Our services encompass a comprehensive spectrum of appraisal offerings, tailored to meet the needs of our clients. With the understanding that each property is unique, our fees vary based on the property's type, size, location, and highest and best use.
Agricultural Appraisals Our agricultural appraisals can include complete farming operations, row crops, orchards, pastureland, hobby farms, rural sites, and all associated farm buildings including residences. We have appraised several of the largest farming operations in the Southeast, but also appraise small family farms.
Agri-business Appraisals We conduct commercial appraisals involving agricultural businesses throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, and north Florida. We appraise fruit and vegetable packing sheds, poultry facilities, cotton gins, feed mills, hog farms, grain elevators, peach farms, pecan farms, blueberry farms, row crops, and essentially any type of agricultural enterprise.
Commercial Appraisals Commercial appraisals encompass any income producing property, such as banks, retail stores, restaurants, or offices.
Timberland and Recreational (hunting) Land Appraisals We appraise timber/recreational tracts of all sizes across the Southeast. We have working relationships with registered foresters for appraising standing timber or we can work with a forester of your choice.
Conservation Easement Appraisals We conduct conservation easement appraisals in South Carolina and Virginia for private land trusts and most federal reserve program easements.
Residential Appraisals We generally perform residential appraisals only as part of larger estates or farm enterprises across South Carolina.
Governmental Appraisals We complete appraisal assignments for a variety of state and federal agencies for publicly owned lands. We are fully qualified to conduct appraisals under the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (UASFLA Yellow Book) standards.
Market Area Surveys We have conducted market surveys at the site, local, county, and multi-county level for individual, corporate, state, and federal clients.